Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Triumphalism of Hate

The dearest wish of those caught in a maelstrom

of violence and despair ... to turn back the clock

return to a time of ordinariness when concerns

were merely pedestrian in nature, before the

eruption of conflict and death, before that aura of

desperation settled like an opaque veil of human

misery shifting shape from dreadful to horrific

in its inescapably mounting death toll and the

knowledge that existence itself balances on a fine

thread of happenstance. For what happens there in

the theatre of war inexorably spreads like ripples

in a morass of viral hatred poisoning the very air

surrounding it, contaminating wherever the wind

shifts its noxious fumes until suddenly you find that

there is no escape, no passage available to leave behind

the stench of death amid the decay of civilizational

norms where the scent of fear and foreboding pervades

leaving a mind incapable of focusing and terror looms.

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