Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Justice of Antisemitism Renascent

Amazing. Just how to account for the steady

stream of venom expended on an infinitesimally

minuscule proportion of the world's population

in wild celebration of barbarity perpetrated on

men and women, young and old, children and

infants in a bloodbath of bile and gore, murdered

simply because they were Jews. We've seen that

grisly scenario before when the universal poison

of Jew-hate boiled into genocidal annihilation of

the loathed people, diminished by two-thirds of

its total. The world sighed in regret at the ghastly

event it made no effort to intervene in. That tiny

segment of humanity excelled in gifting humanity

with the fruits of its Nobel-celebrated genius to

improve and make the world a better place, but not

unfortunately, for Jews. For from the ashes of the

Nazi Final Solution has arisen a chorus of voices

lifted in a unison of barbaric blood-lust to 'gas the

Jews' in a re-enactment of a genocide interrupted as

a groundswell of graphic slanders in denial of the

right of Jews and its State to life and liberty. Carnage

perpetrated by Muslim jihad proudly wearing the 

mantle of conquest demands no less. A message that

legions of supporters repeat as they march in joyful

unison through the world's capitals espousing a new

and far more effective blueprint for Jew-eradication.

Unthinkable to them that in the intervening years a

gradual renewal of Jewish life is finally restoring

their numbers worldwide to its pre-Holocaust level.

A travesty they are prepared to amend in their cries

of Allahu Akbar! carrying with them the sentiments

of Jew-haters world-wide that justice must be done.



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