Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Psychotic Terrorists


Well yes, of course, it's true that you just cannot

please everyone; there is always a grain of truth

in home-spun folk maxims born of observation.

Certainly, many Arabs and Palestinians will not be

pleased for this exhibition of pure blood-lust by

the terrorists who broke out of their lunatic asylum

fails to do justice to their own reasonable sensibilities.

And Jews, those famously thin-skinned people who

infamously take umbrage at being slaughtered for

being Jews, are livid with rage and vow they aren't

taking it any longer. All because thousands of hate-

crazed psychopaths were loosed on them with direct

instructions to sow terror into the minds of their

victims before raping women and girls, absconding

with infants and babies, shooting to kill anyone on the

streets of towns and villages of unsuspecting prey,

invading homes to deliver death to entire families

abducting Jewish soldiers, men, women, children

torturing some, beheading others and generally

disporting themselves as what their defenders insist

they not be labelled, so these guerillas, insurgents

gunmen and freedom fighters fulfilled a promise that

streets would flow with Israeli blood to the extreme

satisfaction of a woke world of progressive thinkers

who feel their time has come to throw off the shackles

imposed upon them by an occupier forced to 'occupy'

to defend its people from just such displays of barbaric

savagery, only the unions and the leaders of academia

caution one must see matters from the attackers' injured

perspective of victimhood to take  joy in the carnage

wrought upon a too-proud people with the arrogance of

believing they could return to their ancestral home without

due consequences, and just to ensure the world has full

knowledge of the sublime victory these grotesque death

squads achieved, all out to celebrate the glory of conquest!



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