Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Defenders of the Faith

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gesture toward Israelis during a protest in New York City, October 8, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)

What ghastly perversion of mind you might

wonder would proudly document themselves

in the act of mass slaughter, mutilation of dead

bodies, rape of wounded women, abduction of

the elderly infirm and infants, much less the

throat-slitting, beheading of children and babies

as proof positive of their hero status: Defenders

of the Faith. Carefully planned and coordinated

shock invasion of a society unlike their own for

whom their hatred is so remorseless they have

invented a death cult persona to exemplify their

allegiance to the concept of genocide. Ostensibly

in the interests of wrenching territory from the

ancestral inhabitants of a territory in dispute. A

dispute unsolvable by diplomatic discussions

for only one party would be amenable to demands

the other feels it can possess by force of arms. 

In the annals of human atrocities few could compare

in a world that shudders in odium and disgust

yet the perpetrators are confident of a wide audience

of enthusiastic approval. For are they are not then

liberators of those believing themselves victims?

And do they not mightily please the bloodlust of

those whose deep-seated hatred of the attacked

call for more, never satiated in the vision of an entire

people finally humbled, assaulted, demolished?

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