Saturday, October 28, 2023

Their Passion of Hate

They are natural opponents, with reality and its

supporting components reason and rationality

at one end of the spectrum of human attributes

while illogic, and the passion of emotions crowd

the opposite and never the twain shall meet. The

passion of emotional psychosis based in hate has

no use for eyes that witness the truth much less

corroborating evidence that psychotic violence

has occurred of a depth of inhuman depravity by

which witnesses are struck dumb ... not with the

ferocity of disbelief, but the comforting opinion

that however savagely base the acts, they were well

deserved, for did not the victims' very existence

earn them this punishment? Children and infants

elderly and the ill cannot claim innocence for they

are instigators of violence against others by virtue

of the very fact that the worshippers of terrorism

view barbarism not as subhuman acts of abhorrent 

horror but acts of desperation by those for whom any

alternate avenues cannot deviate from annihilating 

those they despise so unlike themselves wholly

absent the virtues of religious devotion, clan and 

tribe. Welcome to another truth: You cannot reason 

with those for whom the conviction of reason is an 

impediment to unleashing their passion of hate.


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