Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Escalating Tensions,msid-104140790,width-800,resizemode-4/104140790.jpg

He smiles and proudly brandishes the virtue of

humanitarianism encapsulating all its branches

of righteousness in championing social justice

for women, minorities, the oppressed and the mass

of foreign migrants on the move beckoning them to 

consider Canada as their destination when hordes of  

young men conspire to migrate from their origins to

places where their skills yet to be developed can thrive

while creating chaos in the delivery of social services

to his own population suffering shortage hardships.

And should any within the country see fit to challenge

complain or charge their leader as unfit to govern

they are consigned to the status of fringe minorities and

homophobes. His is a nation of racial prejudice and 

unequal judgement he avers, and he duty-bound to change

it by example all must emulate. He governs unerringly

to move the economy beyond exploitation of its

abundant natural resources, imposing tribulation

on citizens and industry alike. Accusing another

nation of government-sponsored assassination he

sees nothing amiss in feting in situ former Nazis as

liberators in the presence of a Jewish leader of

another nation. His promises to indigenous tribes

of the land go unfulfilled, he decrees that parents

need not be involved in their children's gender

dysphoria decisions. And he proceeds time and

again to alienate one segment of the country and

one ethnic group from another in his endless

campaigns to produce a post-national, socially

unconstrained country where the criminal class

is to be minimally restrained in their predations.

This is his Canada, unreflective of its populations'.

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