Monday, October 23, 2023

The Messenger And His Message

These are devout people, godly people, people

of the Qur'an, people of great faith who turn

to their holiest of sacred directions five times

daily to pray and to murmur blessings upon him who

led them to Islam. These are people of peace and

good fellowship. You know this because they tell

you so. Among themselves there is fellowship 

yet somehow peace eludes for they view those not

of their faith with scorn and pity. Tribe and sect

are vital, however, and those of lesser sects held in

contempt and between them there is no peace. Their

faith is the place of peace and those of other faiths

are out of place living among the faithful to Islam.

Their code of laws and ethics teach it is within

the bounds of reason to kill Jews and Infidels and

their women to be enslaved. Although they detest

countries where Christianity rules, opportunities to

prosper rest there, and so they come to live among the

kaffir whom they will not permit to live among

themselves. This standard of migration thoroughly

approved as a facet of jihad benefiting the faithful

materially and elevating the opportunity of persuasion

to declare the Shahada, augmenting the injunction to 

swell the ranks of Islam through fecundity and

evangelism. They live amongst the ungodly where

their numbers build mosques calling the faithful to

Friday prayer where Imams thunder and denounce the

accursed Jews. The very tribe and Abrahamic forbear

from which Islam derived itself and against whose

existence Islam is adamantly averse. On the occasion

when Islam's most fanatical faithful butcher and

mutilate Jews the religion of peace sends out its fiery

defenders to mock and deride the bloody slaughter

as a sacred victory begging to celebrate. And they do.

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