Friday, October 20, 2023

Championing Death's Foul Hand!/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/landscape_960/image.jpeg

Hate is the twin sister of Madness. Their

brothers are Violence, Conflict, Rape and

Murder. They are the Malevolents Family.

Their persuasive attraction to the minds of

humanity steeped in grievance and victimhood

is immeasurable. Under the influence of the

first sister, adherents of Hate See no evil

Hear no evil -- above all Do no evil. They

may indulge their fantasies in exacting justice

but it is a version unknown within the world

of reason and sanity who abhor slaughter and

all the persecutions and oppressions that tend

to accompany campaigns of hatred whose purpose

is to slander, isolate and demean their target

while desensitizing the wider audience to the

reality of their humanity and innocence. It is

when blind fury rages within a soulless mind

urging toward inciting to torture, mutilation

rape and murder irrespective of civilized mores

condemning harm done to children as hapless

victims of compassionless zealots viewing old

and young as ripe for obliteration in the avid belief

that they are freedom fighters, liberators, resisters

when in reality they represent in full regalia

creation's flawed and failed experiments in the

inheritance of traits patterned after nightmares.

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