Sunday, October 29, 2023

What Is Old Is New Again

 Palestinian supporters shout slogans as they cross the Brooklyn Bridge during a demonstration demanding a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, praising Palestinian "resistance" and denouncing Israel, on Saturday, October 28, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

Rational and humane are we? The capacity

is there, agreed, yet a mass psychosis of

inhumane irrationality seems never far from

the surface of a population's civil veneer of

enlightenment. Documents attesting to the

influence a malign government can exert on

its population by attributing the failures of its

own misrule of an exploited populace can be

readily diverted by accusations of an 'outside'

force's deliberate ruination imposed upon an

entire nation, though the named culprits may

be few in number, yet imbued in the popular

imagination with powers far outstripping their

presence. For an improved outcome it becomes

necessary to name them, ostracize them, rescind

their liberties, gather them into squalid camps 

that deny their humanity and finally organize

methods to cleanse them from existence. That

methodical blueprint to genocide revealed to a

world recoiling from its horror, now sufficiently

recovered to rediscover that same evil intent

whose purpose must be apprehended and what

better method than to resurrect mechanisms

once profoundly repulsive, now to be repurposed.



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