Friday, October 13, 2023

What's Bred in the Bone and Blood


They are young, pretty, vivacious students happily

gathered in front of the  university they proudly

attend. Young minds determined to be informed

and educated, to make a place for themselves in

the world under their own agency. Gathered with

their peers of like persuasion they even now are

practising the power of persuasive influence and

the joy of disseminating the prevailing attitude of

damning those with the effrontery of believing they

too have a place in the world. Their gathering

has a distinct purpose reflected in history when

a different ideology with the precise delivery on

target to persuade an indifferent public that Jews

were a menace waiting to dominate the world

succeeded in extinguishing life's quality before

proceeding to annihilating life itself. The banner

proudly held in mimicry of the original design

of extermination held aloft for applause. These

insouciant minds visualizing genocide, yet in

denial that their heroes were being honoured for

rape, torture, mass murder and abductions live

to exhort that indifferent public to join their cause.



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