Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Philistines of Language Identity


Communication is what binds us one to another

the means by which we express our thoughts

emotions and values finding common cause 

as humans for we all have thoughts, values and 

emotions though they may differ in degree yet

rarely in dimension so great that the verities of being 

are questioned, denied and renamed becoming 

part of a new language of description upturning 

normalcy and denying the most basic concepts of 

nature. I am female, a woman and a mother, a wife 

and a sister, a daughter and an aunt. Oh yes, and a 

grandmother. This is what I am though a newly 

disordered world of language seeks to deny these 

identity classifications. The engaged compassionate 

progressives of today cannot possibly commit to 

any greater crime against language and my identity 

which I hold as dear as the cranky entitlements

of those rejecting binary coded language; simpering 

in their unctuous eagerness to gift to the sulking few 

claiming themselves to be other than conventionally 

biologically identifiable the privilege of  tossing 

language into the dustbin of faulted history in this 

new, aggravated sense of entitlement in which we

are casually sacrificed to a non-gendered world.

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