Thursday, January 21, 2021

Justice Gone Astray


Justice is a tool societies make use of

to placate misery and punish social deviants

and in theory it is the medium by which any

society feels itself protected and secure

yet meting out justice is far more complex

than a simple declaration of state utility. 

Victims of criminal acts look to the state 

to enforce laws critical to ensure security

of the person, the state and its metrics of

prosperity, where trials are held and those

malefactors within society are held to account

to be punished for the grief they bring to

others. And when justice imprisons a

convicted murderer it it just; when through

misadventure an errant citizen causes the

death of another, remorseful and psychically

injured by his very own inadvertence yet

found guilty by a reluctant jury, then what

results is a fateful finding profiting neither

society, the injured or the hapless accused.


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