Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Anguish of Shoah


Really! What a tediously tiresome imposition

they're wedded to, those people who

always seem to feel that everything everywhere

all the time is about them, only them. This

convention of doggedly refusing to

let sleeping dogs lie continues to burden

the world community and really, it is tiresome.

If they want to commemorate their loss

no one stops them but why on God's good

Earth must they insist that everyone else has

an obligation to mourn with them? We did nothing

after all -- in the sense of being part of the

annihilation of their people -- admittedly we

did nothing to stop it either, but that's how things

are in this world. This constant clatter of moral

imperatives foisted on us as though we are void

of compassion has got to stop sometime

don't you think? Now's as good a time as any.

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