Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Tale of Two Nations


Consider the source ... and the magnitude

the magnanimous inspiration and creativity

of minds concentrated to a defined purpose

in the achievement of civilizational advances

beyond the wildest dreams and nightmares

of inventive minds. One nation devises a

scheme to open the world through a web of

vast communication potential through the ether

to advise and to entertain to educate and to 

communicate and the world's population will 

never again be quite the same. Another nation 

releases to the world a deadly pathogen by 

accident or design to relentlessly stalk humanity 

leaving death and destruction as it advances

recedes and yet again advances challenging 

the minds of scientists to halt its implacable 

laying waste of humanity. The first nation 

discovers its invention while forever changing 

the landscape of contact, commerce and diplomacy 

also draws from the subconscious the evil within

posing a direct threat to its very existence.

The second nation, quivering with rage that

the world casts a bony finger of cause and effect

at its inadvertence (or intent) rejoices while gaining

the upper hand in controlling the devastation it 

has created in the process increasing its global 

power structure influentially and financially.

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