Monday, January 25, 2021

Mutually Exclusive


There's the chill of frost hovering in the air 

so palpable yet expected. Silently putting you

in your place which is not within a coven

of group think. You've always shrunk from

from cliques and above all this very particular

platform of self-regarding sanctimony among

which you never felt yourself sharing anything

with those who possessed all the formulaic 

incantations, proof-positive of their secure

positions within the group. They were your

community but not your crowd; exclusionary

exceptional, loyal to a convention you were

never steeped in. Yet by happenstance you

found  yourself suddenly within the embrace

of the klatch and though unfamiliar there was

a pleasant warmth. 'Belonging' has that function.

Was it rebellion at the artifice and egotism

the impulse to reveal yourself with the thought

take me as I am? How could that be when 

your subconscious volition spurned what

it is they most certainly are, conditioned by

faith to an instinctual aversion to what you are.

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