Thursday, January 7, 2021

Shining City On The Hill


Crass yes, pompous no. Rude and crude, Beloved of

the masses who saw fit to champion the degraded man who

held himself as The Greatest President Ever! Offering 

himself a second helping, offended that a restraining 

consensus had been reached to breach his determined 

assault on convention, tradition and social/political 

covenants whereby though elected to the highest position 

achievable through wile and nimble pandering to the 

vilest nature of humanity the time arrives when a nation 

takes stock of what it is their irrevocable decision has 

brought to bear at a time when they will no longer bear it 

inviting their erstwhile choice to depart and a successor 

to deliver them from an errant impulse. Little anticipating 

the strength of conviction in a hugely polarized nation 

its partisan trenches overwhelmed when a loser calls his 

base to reject his ouster and pandemonium ensues the 

disorder and violence blemishing with dissonance the very 

symbol of nationhood, order and governance now settling

over the newly, duly tarnished Shining City on the Hill.



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