Sunday, May 8, 2022

There Is Magic

There is magic -- real magic - not at all

the magic of Disney -- to be found everywhere

and anywhere one looks. The key is opening

the senses to absorb and observe, for it exists 

and is real, no mere figment of the imagination. 

On a dark night illuminated by a crescent moon

stand still for a moment, hear the messages

sent by migrant birds as they fly south for

the winter months drawn by nature's gift

instructions that will be reversed in spring.

From the soft twittering of songbirds to the

chorus of geese leaving then arriving sending

the chatter of their presence, the miracles of

nature are nothing but magical. Look around

a forest floor in spring to see the thoughtful

profusion of colourful gifts left scattered about

as wildflowers awaken and emerge to the conceit

of their bright floral bouquets turning heads

to the magnificent warmth and illumination of

a renascent spring sunburst. Strolling by a brook

you are engulfed by a cloud of minuscule May

flies, the sun catching their tiny wings like

precious diamonds in flight. Above and around

the spring songs of welcome from the crimson

throats of cardinals and robins. Dragonflies and

butterflies flitter and flutter through spruce and

hemlock welcoming back foliage on maples and 

birch. Nesting pairs dance through the air in breezy

nuptials magically designed to welcome summer.

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