Friday, May 6, 2022

Pretense Authenticates Itself

Israeli police and medics attend scene

Not much can be expected of them. As victims 

they cannot be expected to act and react as 

normal people would turning instead to raw 

barbarity, seething with ungovernable rage and 

hatred turned upon those they claim torment 

and deprive them of their entitlements as a

birthright, a Palestinian state where a Jewish 

one long predated their aspirations. These are 

pretenders to the land, looting the identity of 

real Palestinians whose ancient lineage identifies 

them as Judaeans retrieving a pillaged land from 

those who now bespeak even ownership of their

ancient religion, prophets, sacred sites and customs. 

The world knows the grievers as victims by their 

constant declarations as such spurred by their 

leaders' incitement to act out their victimhood 

through violent murderous rampages against

those whose authentic ancestry they emulate. 

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