Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Smiles for Patron


 If beyond the fear and foreboding an element 

of wry humour can be found then there is hope 

renascent. Tremulous laughter, like a low moan 

of despair leavened by a half-moon smile reflects

the human capacity to grieve and sorrow yet 

find within the darkness of misery a thought 

provoking lightness of mood lifting the pall of 

trepidation if but for a moment as volatile

violent events swirl inexorably on the cusp of 

combustion. So say a word of comfort in the 

midst of a maelstrom of conflict, a proud people 

besieged, threatened, slaughtered, their homes 

sacked, their cities destroyed, their nation's future 

imperilled and recognize the human dignity in 

singling out a tiny creature to be decorated for 

outstanding courage in the line of duty as an 

explosives-detecting champion earning pomp 

and ceremony in bestowal of a medal of service.

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