Monday, May 23, 2022

Nature's Pitiless Assault


The torment and agony of the mutilated forest 

has been silenced. The shock of its betrayal 

by the very life-force that created it, nurtured it

and designed its existence replaced by resignation 

for there is no force capable of undoing what 

has been done. The ferocity of the storm has passed

but in its violent frenzy striking in every direction

mercy was not on offer. From striplings to hoary 

elders they succumbed, their life sapped by the

force of raging wind and bellicose rainfall when 

morose rumbles of thunder hid the plaintive appeals 

of the forest canopy in its dance of desperation thrust 

one way then another by the pitiless elements nature

instructs to leave no stout trunk intact, bring down

limbs, strew the forest floor with corpses of this

once-proud forest. And so they did, and so the forest 

was summarily transformed to a grieving cemetery.



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