Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Sanctimonious Chutzpah

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has tried to create an alternative reality. 

The little man whose megalomaniac ambitions 

are being thwarted by an unseasoned upstart 

who refuses to allow his country to be destroyed 

to satisfy the whim and will of a neighbour conveys 

his bitter resentment of those in the wider world 

for whom the bullying injustice of intransigence

stings sufficiently despite a cautious unwillingness

 to join the victim against its oppressor yet arms 

and trains its military so that its weaponry matches 

its valorous stand against a larger, richer, well-armed 

adversary resulting in attrition but not the conquest

the aggressor yearns to achieve. War could be over

peoples' lives saved, no more rape, looting or

infrastructure destruction if only the Western

world would mind its own business and let Russia 

get on with its' and the planet will rotate as it must.



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