Saturday, May 28, 2022

Power Plant


So faint but always there. It is rhythmical

slightly hollow but deeply resonant like a

far off tuba playing solo liquid bass. And

it cannot be shut off that sound though there

are times when it is no longer audible, a mere

ghost of a sound, constant like a deep-throated

metronome, a perpetual motion machine, a

sound-companion installed deeply within gently

knocking at the lintel of my eardrums. When

first I became dimly aware of its inner presence

I knew it was the steady thrum of an HVAC

system hard at work until one day I realized 

it was not but puzzled as I was  and intrigued

though bothered as I became it took awhile

before I realized that regular beat was that of 

a heart and mine own; constantly reverberating

throughout my body telling my ears I am alive.


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