Friday, October 15, 2021

Yours, Humbly

If a professor of semiotics can casually

undertake to regale his faithful readers

with the tedious mental maunderings 

of a brilliant mind captured by its own

inescapable self-adoration in a

Narcissus-like embrace of himself

why not I, a humble scribbler

no savant, but a lover of words 

and the fabulous, myself? 

Enraptured by, captured by a frenzy 

of fantastic thought, I too will 

declaim and fill pages reflecting that 

which delights my fancy, tickles the 

funnybone of my humorous muse.

From the exquisite sublime to the 

dregs of the banal. He dredges his 

prodigious mind of both in an exegesis 

of boastful excess. I trudge through 

laboured mindset to extract the elated 

stores it harbours in its deepest recesses

confounding extraction and elaboration 

with my dross, here on offer. 



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