Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Eluding the Jew-Hatred Tag

Outside the office of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, demonstrators protest against a law that bars the state from investing in companies that support boycotts of Israel, New York City, June 9, 2016.

Times and social mores may have changed but 

there are some mass social pathologies that are 

timeless, simply expressed differently, wickedly 

rampant transparency gone the way of extinction 

lacking the subtlety of opaque suggestion yet still 

recognizable to anyone familiar with the tropes. 

Malicious humour can still find its home in classic

portrayals of long hooked noses and crepuscular

pallid faces, long tapering fingers lovingly counting 

out profit at the expense of the vulnerable fallen

victim to the crude money-lender trading souls

for shekels. A snigger here, a snicker or a guffaw

there, who cannot identify the creature? But that 

venomous humour does not find resonance among the 

refined who prefer to exhibit their so well informed

choices to uphold victims' rights by righteously

boycotting trade, academic and cultural contact

with the symbol of all that is wrong in the world. 



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