Saturday, October 23, 2021

Persecution Perspective


It's simple enough, that endless visceral reaction 

instantly recognizable however subtle, masked or 

poisonously overt for its classic overtones of 

rejection of that deplorable race for it originates 

deep within society's subterranean subconscious

in passage from generation to generation often 

passive frequently aggressive, always malicious.

It is why there is little hesitation in defending an 

opposing claim to Judean heritage by those insisting 

it is they who must rightfully inherit a historical

land mass they covet posing themselves as deprived 

through the sinister colonial menace exiled and

returned victimizing those claiming indigenous 

status who have launched an ownership claim 

acclaimed by the Jew-baiters eager to disqualify 

that ancient tribe from claiming what is theirs

in favour of supporting grievous 'victims' of what 

is not theirs as deserved comeuppance

for soiling the globe with their presence.

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