Monday, October 4, 2021

Designing the Future

As masters of long-term strategies designed 

to shape a nation's aspirations those of the

CCP in Bejing are peerless. Experts in the

arcane science of human behaviour they have 

but to issue decrees and their vast public 

acquiesces with the nudge of a sea of

informers and enforcers. The largest indigent

population on Earth transformed from feeble

poverty to the pride of financial comfort

abetted by a one-child policy in a culture

where boys are preferred over girls and thus

emerged the imbalance perplexing authorities

with diminished family units and natality in

distress as the population aged and workers

declined upsetting the algorithm of national

prosperity. The science of genetic editing

to produce a nation of geniuses viewed a

rapidly shrinking population compelling an

updated decree of two children per couple

then three children per couple in a nation that

prospered and offered higher education to

females who now forego childbearing in favour

of climbing the ladder of professional success. 


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