Sunday, October 3, 2021

Now Hear This:

99-year-old Holocaust survivor Yehudit (Dita) Sperling, who has given evidence in the case against Stutthof concentration camp secretary Irmgard Furchner. This picture of Sperling has been widely misused as purportedly showing Furchner (Courtesy)

Nuremberg represented a gesture of outrage

by the world community sending the message

they would not stand unmoved by the plight of 

helpless vulnerable people portrayed as sub-human 

expendable in a world deserving of their absence 

being systematically murdered in an abhorrent genocide. 

This is where recognizable names of the heinous plan

of extermination played their part in abject shame

articulating 'nicht schuldig' casually flicking away

responsibility; surely a breed apart and beyond the 

understanding of most civilized people. There was 

considerably less interest in the actions of vast multitudes 

deputizing themselves eagerly to be helpful as 

enablers and murderers themselves in disposing of 

the presence of Jews in their midst.  And do you suppose 

that this great mass of evil-doers so long unnoticed 

live with their conscience in a state of remorse

or rather live in the fear of discovery? Does the world 

care whether atrocities they engaged in did no harm to

their future lives as ordinary people living ordinary lives 

because after all they are now elderly, ill, near death. 

Think: some of their victims yet living are also elderly

ill, near death, their lives haunted by the ghostly presence

of those they lost, memories of the atrocities they also

suffered grimly alive, and they are desirous of justice...

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