Saturday, October 16, 2021

Fear of Mortality


Two hard objects clash uncompromising 

and furiously raging one against the other

immovable, their intimate universe reeling in 

the impact, their union suddenly friable after 

navigating four decades of marriage. Molten

anger radiates each citing the other's obtuse

unwillingness to be reasonable though to be 

objectively fair neither has seen the subject 

of their divisive decisions from the perspective 

of the other. They reflect on a future determined 

by encroaching years and diminished time

visualized as each foresees remaining years 

distancing them considering separation yet 

hesitating to despoil assets both have acquired 

in their past harmony of spirit.Their subconscious 

unrecognized resistance of creeping age and 

declining faculties confuses their reasoning

... it is humanity's end-fate that disturbs and 

frightens them not the miscalculation of each 

demanding the other surrender previously 

respected personal agency when she devotedly

followed his wanderlust and now he rejects her 

unease in abandoning city-centric comforts.



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