Friday, October 1, 2021

The Game Is On!


There is no compassion for age or majesty. 

The blood sport of commoners is on display

leaning comfortably on the broad shoulders 

of the 'woke' progressives dominating society 

for whom the sacred trust has become the antics 

of the juvenile-arrested in whose interests 

all boundaries of human decency have been 

breached in the greater need to express solidarity 

with the oppressed of the world who have become

the generation of victimhood personified and

to assuage their 'triggered' hurts for which others 

upon whom they cast blame must suffer the loss of

dignity in an era where no privacy is countenanced

that cannot be revealed somewhat canted in favour 

of hidden perceptions of superiority over the dregs 

of society now elevated to a position of judgement 

finding in their esteemed view that those serving 

the realm of a royal kingdom are scarred with scandal 

imposed by a nefarious world reducing them from 

revered figures of royal aristocracy to craven failures

as mere humans while the revolting masses cheer.




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