Thursday, October 7, 2021

Pandora's Illuminating Box

Understanding the Significance of Pandora's Box

Open a Pandora's Box and out come whimsical

hidden treasures, none so amazing as those reeking 

of moral squalor where hidden wealth is concerned 

amidst the propensity of those born to titled riches

the political elite of the world and a wild assortment of 

those claiming celebrity status who sanctimoniously

tutor the public in generosity of spirit, to graciously 

fund public initiatives to relieve world hunger, rescue 

the planet from humanity's excesses while offering 

nothing of their own but the motivation to do good

themselves abstaining to part with any of their wealth 

placed for safety from the reach of their nation's taxation 

arm in offshore safe havens. They compete for awards 

in hypocrisy with the royalty in possession of untold

wealth administering the affairs of an indigent nation

for whose security pleas garner generous supporting

gifts from other nations governed transparently, their 

relatively well-satisfied population in support of aiding 

those less fortunate while little knowing their altruistic

philanthropy frees the entitled from responsibility.



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