Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Subconscious Primevil


Kindle the embers lying deeply

submerged in the psyches

of those who see intruders

into their societies as threats

to be destroyed even those who

have lived at peace for millennia

under a covenant that recognizes

their presence as distant kin and

the overheated whirlwind of

suspicion turns to hatred bathed

in the molten primitivism of 

survival unleashing the primeval

urge to kill those posing as innocents

whom hate identifies as lethal threats

and a society whose disparate

tongues and faiths, tribes and clans

suddenly turns into a murderous

mob intent on destroying what

generations have built each

convinced theirs is the only 

entitlement approved on high

for is it not their faith for which

they are prepared to sacrifice

uncountable lives of infidels?



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