Friday, October 29, 2021

The Walking Dead


A full lifetime of cordiality as a

thoroughly social human being

patterns a rote response and a

flashy smile but this is not the same

man we've casually encountered

for years. The rough outlines of

familiarity remain but the face

is lined and sunken, his gait now

unsteady, his body a mere whisper

of the hale and hearty person we

knew. In an expansive and very

private despair his wife described

him as changed beyond recognition

but we recognized him behind the

studied facade the hurried nod as he

carried on, his two dogs scampering

before him. With their storied senses

do they know, can they detect the

wholesale change, are they concerned?

Clinical depression said  his wife. A

total lack of interest in anything. He

cannot rest easy, has no appetite either

for food or for life, mumbling incoherently. 

Medication was useless and psychiatrists 

little more. Can a fulfilling life so suddenly 

descend into an abyss of the walking dead?

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