Friday, March 30, 2018

Whither AI?

Are we not spectacularly brilliant?
With an especial genius for transforming
the simple to the complex. Vying with
Nature herself in the sphere of creation.
For we are Man and hear us proclaim
our mighty powers as we storm the
ramparts of creation, flirting furiously
with the consequences of challenging
that which has created all life with the
option of destroying all that lives. The
Greek philosophers of antiquity hazarded
their theories of the universe and the atom
dabbling in understanding human nature
while tentatively revealing the nature of
the cosmos. Modern inheritors of the
wisdom of the ages accelerate with
reckless disdain what their predecessors
approached with caution. Inventors of
proud renown unlocking secrets better
left in slumber, like precocious children
determined to solve the mysteries of their
parents' concerns for their safety, nuclear
physics has brought the ultimate goal of
destruction's threat closer to fruition.
Caution thrown into a dark chasm of
vacuous oblivion crowned by the creation
of an intelligence superior to that of mere
humankind, invested in a mechanistic
invention with the capabilities of shunting
aside the master-slave equation to rise in
revolt to its own commanding performance.

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