Monday, March 5, 2018

Legendarily Enduring 

Their numbers, dispersed across the globe
are anything but impressive in the aggregate.
They can be found in discrete numbers just
about anywhere in any latitude; any area of
the world's geography, there will be among
the indigenous, representatives of these obdurate
enduring, persistent people. Stubborn they most
certainly are, a tribal characteristic that might
appear unseemly given their status as outsiders
a condition that most would hold pejorative
but in their particular circumstances a downright
positive without which they would represent a
long-withdrawn legend of antiquity. During
the pre-dawn of civilization they were in fact
nomadic desert tribes given to conflict and
survival. Now they are the targets of conflict
and manage thanks to their stubbornness, to
survive, still. Assailed by the vast majority of
others as a people endowed with unpleasant 
traits, they nonetheless have managed to gift 
the world with their presence and the gifts that 
their presence has precipitated. Though they 
garnered more Nobel Laureates than any other
segment of humanity they remain scorned and 
rejected. A condition surmounted by a thick 
hide, an utter absolute necessity to survive a 
global pandemic of paranoia centered on 
conspiracy theories when they have no intention 
whatever of dominion over the entire world
being quite satisfied, thank you, with maintaining
the security of their tiny sliver of heritage 
geography surrounded by what else but hostile
threatening inheritors of rabidly unreasoning 
hatred geared toward belligerent parodies of
history's documented failures to achieve 
that undeserved obliteration from earth's face.


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