Monday, March 19, 2018


Let There Be Light

Nature has not yet divulged to us our
purpose in her great plan of existence
but she has deemed it her plan that we
exist. We have a father and a mother
for were it not for Earth, our mother and
the Sun our father who would nature have
called upon to deliver us to her blueprint
of existence? Infants understand this and
when dark falls their palpable distress
and fear register the absence of light
when darkness falls. An inherited memory
installed in our genes from time immemorial.
Nature prepares us for diminished light in
view of our fears, sending her emissary
dusk to influence our sense of security
as it softly enters and the source of our
warmth, our light and our life recedes
on the horizon leaving us temporarily
bereft though rationally we understand
that lifesource will return as it has done
for millions of years. Still, when dusk has
completed its initiation and the world
becomes dark we feel threatened, our
primitive memory fixing our minds on
our loss as terror overcomes us even as
we soothe the weeping child within.

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