Thursday, March 8, 2018

Night Life

When life has brought you long, long past
childhood when uncertainty brought dark
dreams to haunt your night, then adulthood
concerns introduced you to night-haunting
dark dreams of fearful impact, to the point in
your existence called the golden years and no
longer is your sleep impacted by nightmares
and instead soft dreams tiptoe into the
landscape of your sleeping mind amidst
the presence of familiar surroundings and
people whom you surely know and feel in
their presence a certain contentment so that
when you awake in the morning you are ever
so briefly confused. Is it that life dimly-lit at
night that you are ensconced within, or is it
the life that you know so intimately during
your waking hours? In the former figures tend
on awaking to be shadowy and benign while
in the latter the aura is that of familiarity and
reality among those whose presence is sharp
and knowing. Is it time to be concerned when
as time groans on the distance between the two
becomes less discernible and you hesitate
slightly when matching each in their proper
perspective? Day-life=reality: Night=?

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