Friday, March 16, 2018

The Passion of Islam

Smiling, he grasps the child firmly, her hand 
in his to occupy the stage with him however 
briefly, before the cheering throngs praising the 
weeping little girl for her courage and her 
dedication aspiring in her proudly worn
military uniform to become a martyr for her
people and her religion. The bombast flows
effortlessly from the curved mouth of this
patrician figure, grizzled and in absolute
command both of his audience and his nation
a man who has schemed and resolved himself
to attaining the height he desires, elevating
himself as sultan in his new Ottoman empire 
where the proud promise of Islam's future 
would be reborn in its original design to 
command universal loyalty from the vast
international community through the jihad
of occupation and coersion for the mosques
are Islam's barracks, the domes its helmets
the minarets bayonets and the faithful its
consummate soldiers. Not only are small 
children obligated to steer themselves toward 
martyrdom but he too their redoubtable leader 
asserts it his intention to perish as a martyr 
to achieve Islam's dominion over the Earth 
and the heavens. But he is a busy man and 
must for the present restrain rash impulse
impressing for now the duty required by 
Islam's faithful, old and young as they are 
deployed singly and militarily in the sacred 
quest to establish the sublime caliphate
laying waste to the homes of the kaffir, slaying
the dragons of forbidden unbelief in Allah.

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