Sunday, March 4, 2018

Blood and Belonging

Might the sages of antiquity have possibly
discovered a miraculous solution to warped
minds, the convoluted and confused thought
processes pressing their maleficent content
deep within a child's mind? This would be a 
child introduced to the nightmare reflective
of life deep in the bowels of hell established
on the crust of the Earth in a misbegotten
ideology of estrangement, exceptionalism
and blind cynical hatred exemplifying the
utter excesses of religious conquest vilifying
all those outside the covenant that promises
life everlasting to believers and celebrity
to martyrs. Exposing and delivering the
impressionable young to the glories inherent
in this death cult while guiding them in the
exquisite details in the use of deadly weapons 
teaching them that courage and valour are 
expressed in committing atrocities against 
those whom god disfavours impressings upon
their shrivelled souls expectations they must
never shirk. These are the abandoned destroyed 
minds forever dwelling on lessons taught 
whose longing focuses on parents gone to
Paradise as they await their eventual release
from the strained confines of this mortal coil.

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