Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Skill of Compassion

Listen well. For no one in their allotted
lifespan is ever exempt. To everyone no
matter what their status comes an equal
share of misery, all things being equal. 
Among them are those whose travails are 
without peer, a matter of sheer perception.
Many stolidly accept their lot without 
question knowing in reality there are
no answers. At least none that explain
why they should suffer and others will
appear not to. No answers forthcoming
whatever the source suffice to give
comfort and surcease to misery. Not
the knowledge that behind every
facade within society's teeming masses
there are living details of unsolvable pain.
Concerns threatening children, parents
difficult personalities harbouring malice
or dread diagnoses of diseases so well
known in their absolute destruction of
mind or body as to be devastating beyond
recourse. And then there is this; for many
there is no release nor relief, no one
to confide in, no one to turn to, no one
to care. In such desperate straits anyone
can care enough to give the comfort to
another of simply being there, listening.

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