Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Meaning of Life

There are those rare souls who capture
the attention of the world of
commerce for their capacity to
exploit the talents they possess that
make them captains of industry so
successfully that they attain to
that most coveted of status symbols
becoming wealthy beyond the feeble
imaginations of those who aspire to
wealth succumbing to infection of
the stealth virus of unappeasable greed
so that no matter how much wealth
they acquire they strive to gather
ever more. What differentiates those
acclaimed as 'rare' in the cutthroat
conscienceless world of industry
is that wealth in and of itself is but
a stop now and again on the journey
of life, and such riches can be handily
divested in a life equally given to
philanthropy for which no return is
required in acknowledgement, the 
satisfaction lies entirely in knowing
oneself in laying the groundwork to
endow society with the wherewithal
to improve itself and the lot of those
who will never rise above subsistence.

requiescat in pace Peter Munk

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