Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Uplifting Spirits

It does wrench one's capacity to fully
comprehend that what liberates someone's
mind from the restraint of social disapproval
represents to that person the freedom to
indulge in an expression of unadulterated
contempt for those considered beneath
notice via the subconscious. When the
opportunity arises to release the demons of
racist rhetoric and wretched stereotypes in
support of the most vile statements of
rejection believing that others not of one's
culture, faith, heritage and values system
above all, that most specious of all categories
race -- undeserving of sharing time and place 
with the righteous among populations, do so 
joining with others for whom threatening
detesting and isolating the target all despise
represents a liberating goal whose momentum
lifts all spirits in a collaboration of entitled
hatred. Since all expressions of opinion have
counterbalancing opponents and polite
society spurns such overt rejection of others
the frisson of satisfaction must of necessity
be short-lived, particularly among those of
the political class where expiation must be 
unambiguously and humbly stated as being 
quoted out of context, and after all they 
hadn't meant, hadn't noticed, hadn't truly
felt that way, it must be understood. And
after all, one expresses regret beseeching
forgiveness in temporary waywardness
finding one's return to the social compact.

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