Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Hello, Winter!

Well, hello, Winter, what a surprise. We
hardly expected to see you back again
so soon. You're perfectly right, we're not
smiling, and that isn't much of a welcome
but we thought we had good reason to believe
you had decided on an early departure this
year. After all, it's been unseasonably mild
we've had oodles of clear skies, the winds
have abated and the snowpack has been
melting apace. Obviously, we were wrong
and that's the reason we're scowling in
uncivil disbelief at the snow swirling about
and the winds howling above, the cold
that has descended once again disabusing us
of the fantasy we were celebrating prematurely.
Now, don't go off huffing and puffing, you'll
only make things worse. Can we assume
that you will in your own good time
embark on a more permanent seasonal
absence, giving spring the opportunity to
finally arrive? We did appreciate you, honestly
we did when you were younger and fresher
it's just that we think you've worked too hard
for too long and you really could use a rest.
Rest assured we value your presence, but
guess what? you could use a break and so
can we, and then after awhile we'll be more
than prepared to welcome you back properly
once spring, summer and fall wear out
their welcomes in the fullness of time....

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