The Reluctant Host
Nature works in mysterious ways
but that is her prerogative as the
force responsible for everything known
above all the designer and creator of
the universe, the uncountable
myriad of stars and planets
and on a reductionist scale of
immense proportions animals
that exist and proliferate on one of
these planets we call our home. Once
gregarious creatures, humankind has
been subjected to a seemingly
instantaneous -- certainly on the scale
of evolutionary events -- turnabout
in social endowments where now
in the face of an abhorrently frightening
global upheaval held captive to a virus
with no life of its own, dependent on
unwilling hosts, the quintessential
parasitical succubus drawing its
purpose to replicate by kidnapping
host cells and wreaking havoc
on the vulnerable, maiming and killing
in a random spree of conquest
leaving corpses on the battlefield as
wide and as deep as the world itself
succeeding in altering the nature of humanity
from one of hope and endurance to
one of abject fear of contamination.
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