Friday, May 15, 2020

The Subconscious Mind - The Key to All That We Are Or Ever Can Be ...Daniel Uhlfelder is shown as the grim reaper on a beach in Florida.

The Message

That was its natural home
seated deep in the dungeon of the mind
the knowledge not to be acknowledged
buried deep in the subconscious
never to be knowingly retrieved
that we live and we die
we are something and then become
nothing. Our body decays
our mind evaporates floating
away like strands of gossamer
into the ether to join all those
other once-weres in nature's 
endless universe where existence
began and unnervingly ends. It is what
happens to others, unfortunates
but never to us. The seat of our being
would never allow the dredging up
of the unthinkable. Until a force more
powerful than our willful denial
moved on the horizon and advanced
to envelop the world body and all
its inhabitants, unself-aware and
ferociously unstoppable it winnowed
the elderly and the infirm in a vast
conspiracy with nature. Reminding
us in its persistent potency that
we are all in very fact in death's focus.

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