Saturday, May 9, 2020

Force of Nature

Much depends on it
our very creature comfort
and when the weather becomes
disconcertingly inexplicably
in conflict with itself we can only
wonder how such an anomaly
can possibly contradict itself
in a display of arrogance flouting
the convention of atmospheric physics
designed by the creator of all that is.
A day where blink your eye and the
sun ravishes the dome of the sky
blink again and suddenly in the
midst of expectations of May flowers
a white-out of snow flurries
buffeted by a hurricane of wind gusts
occludes the sun hiding the ocean of blue
in which it sailed. Time and again
throughout the day this arcane phenomenon
repeats itself and at times a palpable
standoff between sun and snow
where both simultaneously rule the sky
puzzling and downright impossible.
A rebellion of nature's elements
each claiming her eye and ear
a power play which the ascendant sun
is certain to win yet leaving the perplexing
question how can moisture fall from a
sky ruled by the sun at nature's command?
A question answering itself by the
very acknowledgement that the sole
superior force of all that is
ordains it.

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