Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Just ... Because

If you were to ask why I love this
man to whom I've been married for
sixty-five short years, my answer
          might seem slight after
          because ... and a pause ...
and nothing more need be added.
He speaks of dogs whatever
their size when he greets them as
'puppy'. I've never heard them
respond with a 'hello, man' but
if they could they no doubt would.
I've watched as he stooped to
carefully lift caterpillars off woodland
trails into the underbrush. Once a
baby squirrel so small it nestled
in the cup of his hand, came dashing 
toward us on a forest trail, leaving 
our two little dogs perplexed while he
stooped, plucked it from the ground
made his way into the forest interior
and left it clinging to a branch.
Should a spider's presence disturb
me he resists placing it outside in the 
winter fearing it might not survive.
In raking leaves if he sees an insect
within he will stoop to carefully remove
it to an undisturbed place. When winter
passes and it's no longer feasible
to feed the raccoons that come
to our porch he hesitates to stop
feeling 'responsible' for their
well being. He, in short, is my
ever-lasting well-being. Today he
accidentally stepped on a bee and
it reciprocated as bees will. Through
the pain he extended regret for
a tiny animal in distress. Because
... his manliness stirs me so.
Because he is the spirit of my soul.

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