Thursday, May 7, 2020

Restless Nature

It's that kind of day following last night's
full moon and clear atmosphere
that brought frost and a dawn that
invited the sun to cast its warmth on
the landscape to welcome the return of
geese in their peerless formation
leaving their southern haven
for their northern homes. Atop the
snag of an old pine a pair of cardinals
trill their rhapsodic praise of life
incarnate. The slumbering woods stir
as animals and insect life begin to
emerge from night's dark essence
when hunters stalk and the hunted
take refuge to live another day. In the 
still waters of the stream running through
the forested ravine a pair of Mallards
steam unconcernedly below its steep banks
foraging complacently as only animals
comforted in the presence of their familiar
habitat will do, alert for the presence of
fish to complement the necessities
of the day. The still morning breeze so
essential to the day stirs itself by
early afternoon to become a raging tyrant
intent on ushering in returning cold 
rudely blustering clouds into place to
obscure the sun still gallantly shedding its
rays on the landscape awaiting snow flurries.

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