Monday, May 18, 2020

Tardigrade Non-Invincibility – scot hacker's foobar blog

Nature Is

Nature is. Indisputable reality.
No elaboration required. The
single universal force responsible
for creation. For all that exists.
And while her living creations
have been imbued with emotion
and motivation, nature has none.
Her creations are clearly not made
in her image. They are her creatures.
So does all that furnishes the universe
relinquish their being to nature. The
imperative to be, is at nature's
discretion alone. Distinguished
by a guided evolutionary agenda
led by nature's inextinguishable
plethora of all that emanates
from nature's laboratory. If we
among her creatures have been gifted
with the power to think, muse
and analyze it should be clear
that nature's indifference to her
creations cannot reflect a reciprocal
indifference from her creations.


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