Friday, May 8, 2020

Creatures of the Forest

Our very own wildlife
menagerie, who might ever
have imagined the natural
life surrounding those like us
who live so far removed
from nature believing it far
beyond and away
unaware that among us
hidden and secretive
exist nature's palette of
creatures so different yet
so alike to humankind for
they too seek shelter
cope with diverse conditions
threatening their existence
develop strategems
forage endlessly to sustain
themselves, seek comfort in
nesting and raise their young.
Through harsh winters they endure
whether bedecked with scales
feathers, shells or fur.
We know they are there for they
seek us out, have gained familiarity
with our porch which mysteriously
offers food tempting them to
stealthily appear in the night hours
or boldly yet cautiously strike out
under blue skies before retiring
triumphant to the forest beyond.

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