Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Thought

Do they know, can they know
do they plan the sentiments
that they word carefully
or carelessly as the case may be
will become their epitaphs
their legacies as brilliant
world leaders whose like will
never be seen again for their
ability to express in exquisite
meaningful measure thoughts
that linger unspoken in the minds
of people incapable of 
expressing them in quite
the elegant terms of those famed
for their gifted oration 
inspiring and moving the
populace, carefully recorded
for posterity, memorized faithfully
by those who aspire to emulate
their immortal thoughts while
framing them in optional tongues
lest they be accused of plagiarism.
Motivated by a desire to speak
hear a pregnant pause from
an audience, a reverent sigh
achievement of the goal.

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